logo3-300x100Eye-D Systems is a wholly citizen owned company located in Gaborone. Out products and services have been used in a wide range of applications systems in more than 30 organisations in Botswana. Though installation, maintenance and technical consultations in banks, hospitals, schools, financial institutions, airports and government buildings.

The company’s success has been largely achieved through a close relationship with its customers and partners in the industry.

Eye-D Systems is known for its skill in the areas of Identification, Communication, Information and Electronic Technology solutions and has strong affiliate with major distributors both Internationally and Locally. We were the first company in Botswana to successfully install Biometric Access Control Systems and IP Cameras.

Eye-D Systems therefore enjoys credit facilities that enables it to carry out projects of any magnitude.

We recognise that our product line is only part of our commitment to quality but what differentiates us from out competition is the importance of service delivery. We are better positioned for prompt after-sales support as compared to out distant competitors.

Eye-D Systems is a member of the COBIT (Citizen Owned Business in Information Technology). We are PPADB approved contractor under class E.