qumatic-mainWe introduce systems that are set up to manage ticket ranking for a service (with numbered ticket) and identification (specified service) and thus it enables a serene (lounge set-up) and stress – free waiting (without waiting in a queue, one behind the other)

  • Customer Flow Management Software
  • Ticket Printer and Consumables
  • Displays

How does it work?

First you need to understand your customer flow and how it affects your customers, staff and operation. CFM will help you turn this understanding into real business value. The improvement in customer flow often needs assistance from a CFM system, implemented to meet improvement targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). We know that a system implemented without CFM knowledge is often worse that no system at all.

And it works

The benefits of CFM are significant. In the short term sales and productivity can increase up to 30%  and costs decrease up yo 30%. CFM also increases customer and staff satisfaction. It creates a relaxed atmosphere with a controlled and fair waiting process.

Furthermore, it generates data ans insights to drive ongoing business improvements on a long term perspective.

The most overwhelming proof of concept for CFM is the empirical evidence from the retailers, banks, hospitals and public service centres that have already applied CFM with successful result. Over time the approach has proven itself in a number of ways:

  • It is market independent: it has been successfully applied in more than 122 countries
  • It is industry independent:: it has been applied in numerous industry sectors all over the world
  • It is thoroughly tested: there are a minimum of 51,800 solutions implemented worldwide
  • It is well accepted by users: it is estimated that 1.8 billion users, a quarter of the world’s population, pass through the systems every year.